Managed Risk Assessment

Understand Your Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities Before They Do

White Tuque's managed risk assessments help our clients identify security gaps and solutions proactively.

Drawing from our experiences and expertise, White Tuque develops effective assessments to evaluate the security of our clients’ most critical assets and services.  We work with our clients to fully understand their business functions and leverage that understanding to develop assessments that focus on key business risks.  Ultimately delivering reports focused on strengths and opportunities for improvement. 


CDAP: Federal Grants to Make Assessments Accessible

If your business is:

  • incorporated federally or provincially in Canada, or a Canadian resident sole proprietorship
  • for-profit and privately owned
  • employing between 1 – 499 full time equivalent employees
  • over $500,000 of annual revenues in one of the previous three tax years

Then you can qualify for funding through the Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) for White Tuque to build your cybersecurity plan.

Assessments That Go Beyond Technology

Unlike most assessment programs, White Tuque is here to help you identify your opportunities across people and process, and technology. Our programs will provide our clients the tools necessary to make risk-based, informed decisions. This information will not only harden security controls but provide insights into risks below the surface not immediately apparent in the aftermath of an attack.

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Business employees developing security strategies
Business Employees identifying cyber security risks on laptops

Flexible Solutions Allowing Our Clients to Identify Risk and Develop Security Strategies that Work for Them.

  • Determine whether your critical data is at risk.
  • Offensive security exercises that simulate the tactics, techniques, and procedures of real-world threat actors.
  • Enterprise cyber risk analysis estimating overall value at risk.
  • High-level executive summary report.
  • Tactical and strategic recommendations for immediate and long-term improvements.
  • Expert-powered world-class assessment services – now at your fingertips.

Real Attacks, Real
Evaluation, Real

White Tuque’s unique approach assesses readiness from start to finish. Evaluating cyber resilience capabilities before, during and post event – providing what you need to know to protect your organization and its reputation.

Managed Risk Assessment presentation with group of employees

Organizations around the world face an evolving threat landscape that presents risk to their data and operations. Our goal is to provide insights and solutions that enable organizations of all sizes to defend and respond against cyber threats.

Work With Us.