Risk-based vulnerability & resilience management

The latest in vulnerability research has highlighted that fewer than 5.5% of all vulnerabilities are leveraged in attacks, and that over 20% of machines have gaps in security tool coverage. A modern risk-based focus reduces noise and highlights true and actionable findings that will make a positive impact to your organization’s security. Fix less – reduce more risk.

Why should you care about risk management & remediation?

Legacy vulnerability management (VM) tools keep your team buried in work and not focused on where the real risks to your business exist. White Tuque’s risk-based VM ensures every patch pushed for deployment is important, manageable, and consistent across all departments.

Do these statements sound familiar?

  • “The IT Team is drowning in tickets – too much to fix!”
  • “Meeting SLAs requires a large number of risk exceptions.”
  • “We use CVSS or severities to prioritize what we fix.”
  • “We can’t reconcile differences in asset counts between tools – what IS our scope?”
  • “It takes us hours every week to build & tweak reports.”
  • “It’s a struggle to report on risks such as Ransomware vulns to senior leadership.”

White Tuque’s Proven Risk-Based Methodology

Deployed successfully in organizations of all sizes since 2021, our methodology has become a welcome industry solution for facilitating effective Vulnerability & Resilience Management.

  • Sensor Deployment Properly Placed & Tuned
  • Data Ingestion Always Up to Date
  • Inventory See Everything
  • Automation Cut Costs, Save Time
  • Prioritization Risk-Based Model
  • Remediation Minimize Effort & Risk
  • Reporting Centralized & Simple

Trusted by organizations of all sizes

Our Prescribed Vulnerability & 
Resilience Management Package

We deliver every aspect of a modern program in a single packaged offering. This allows us to work quickly, maintain a highly trained and qualified staff, and minimize customer costs.


We bring in a curated set of SaaS tools to support our modern VRM program. Our team is trained on these specific tools to maximize your ROI while delivering key features that make our program as effective as possible.


White Tuque’s Risk-Based VM Methodology is a documented out-of-the-box solution backed by years of research and in use today in orgs of all sizes. We believe there is a “right way” to run a VRM program and combined with select tools, will minimize workload in addressing true risks.


Correct Implementation of the tools and program is key to your success. We work with customers at no additional costs in the first year to not only deploy the tools, but train internal terms on the process that will save them time and effort when addressing findings.


We operate the tools, you just focus on fixing! Our “Co-operation” model keeps you from having to worry about the tool or data collection, We also augment your team in advising remediation efforts. When built correctly, VRM is heavily automated, so our costs to maintain are a fraction of traditional providers. we achieve this via our 100% margin-to-service reseller model.

Rest easy knowing your business is protected from cyber attacks

Find the service that’s right for you to secure your business and reduce your technology risk.

Work With Us.


Robert D. Stewart

Founder & Head, Strategic Threat Intelligence

Robert is a technology incident and crisis management specialist with over 3200 hours leading critical recoveries and investigations within regulated industries.

Robert has built cyber incident and global crisis processes for the Fusion Centres of two major North American banks. With an extensive focus on operational resiliency, Robert worked as a Global Crisis Management Specialist, leading the technical migration for the pandemic for a multi-national financial institution.

Robert is a threat intelligence specialist focused on preventing large scale incidents and attacks before they happen, with unparalleled experience in incident response: 650 critical incidents within the global financial sector leading to the recovery of over 250 unique global financial systems, with 6000 executive communications and briefings issued, and over 200 post-incident reviews.